Teatro delle Briciole - Associaz. Micro Macro

Fondazione Pizzarotti supports the project PanKine, part of Insolito Festival 2019 by Teatro delle Briciole and Associazione Micro Macro from an idea by Elisa Cuppini.

The initiative originates from the identification of the bench as an urban object symbol of dialogue and shared sociality, as well as of criticality, loss of use value and social changes that have marked and mark our city, also as a consequence of the epochal migratory phenomena of our time.

The bench presents itself as an object charged with the immediate metaphorical value of urban transformation processes, capable of providing a strong stimulus to an initiative that aims to combine artistic creativity and promotion of cohesion and social well-being.

The project has raised  the interest of the Interdepartmental Center for Social Research (CIRS) of the University of Parma and aims to use this cohesion of individual and collective meanings.

The Phase A started with a series of laboratories carried out between February and April 2019 with various associations of the area, dealing with integration and social inclusion, or that promote the development and the well-being of families, or plan initiatives that promote youth well-being through aggregation paths. From the Family Laboratory in Oltretorrente to the Social Cooperative Svoltare, from the Cittadella Community Point to the Young Center Il Federale and Casa nel Parco.

The workshops, after a group training and exercise based on some keywords (woman, family, marriage, life), arrived at a phase of re-elaboration in an autobiographical key, of self-narration, of interviews on one's own lived experience.
Once the workshops were over, the material thus collected was selected, developed and finally transformed into a dramaturgy.

Elisa Cuppini, together with a group of artists, will interpret those keywords at the center of the workshop phase, making creative contributions in different languages (dance, music, theater, puppet theater), to give life to a final show  that will go staged in July at the Parco dei Poeti in Via Bizzozero, in Parma.

The materials collected during the work with the associations will be develop by the videomaker Lorenzo Bresolin, who will create a video work.

Documentation and video creation: Lorenzo Bresolin
Works: Simone Arganini (music and dance), Giancarlo D’Antonio (dance), Andrea Dionisi (dance), Yalika Jo and Andrea Marras (music), Savino Paparella (theater), Riccardo Reina (puppet theater)
Sound design: Simone Arganini