The 9 projects selected


It has ended on October 30th  “Insieme”, the first public call of FP in support of families in need in the province of Parma. The projects selected were announced on December 13th and officialized with a meeting on December 22nd at the presence of the press and of the beneficiaries.

With around 60 projects received, the choice wasn’t easy. It helped to bare in mind the aims of “Insieme”, its very original intent: “ to contribute to improve the living conditions of families in difficulty, strengthening social ties and encouraging participation among individuals, including through the involvement of disadvantaged groups […].
Furthermore: “This Foundation believes that the quality of the answer to the needs (latent or manifest) can be more effective in welcoming and responsible communities, where each person is bearer of needs and at the same time of resources , and that right on the latter is necessary to leverage.”


The projects selected were 9: 5 from the city of Parma and 4 from its province.
Each, with their own social value and the intent to ease the difficulties of multiple families and children, through initiatives not only able to guarantee the beginning or the continuation of activities, but to promote cooperation and solidarity as well as coexistence between cultures and mutual aid among individuals.

This was the idea that had brough FP to announce a public call, aimed to reach as many realities of the territory as possibile


1) “Lin-faN'Club”, Coop. Sociale Connessioni - San Secondo, Parma.

The idea arise from the project “L.I.N.F.A” active since 2012, with the goal of protecting families in need. With multiple partnerships such as APS, Unione Montana Parma Est, Emporio Solidale and others, L.I.N.FA wants to support families in charge to the Territorial Social Services providing to the primary needs on the educational, affective and psychological plan.
The project Lin-fan-Club will consist in provided service of sporting activity, in the creation of a summer camp for children between 6 and 18yo, and in the promotion of public events of sport and food education.
All this, while aiming to spread the values of respect and solidarity.
Lin-faN'Club will have a duration of 2 years starting from January 2018.


2) “A brother as a friend”, Cooperativa Sociale Onlus Le Mani Parlanti - Parma

“A brother as friend” consists in the creation of a psiychodrama group for children, who are brothers or  sisters of disabled person, psychoeducational support for their parents, training for students, teachers, social assistants, educators for disability.
The project wants to reduce the alienation and stigmatizing derivating from having a brother or sister with disability.
It also wants to prevent the arising of antisocial and psychopathological problems, offering a space for psychological counseling for parents and helping people from different cultures to integrate.
The project will have at least 12 months of duration.

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3) “Words of mom”, Centro Immigrazione Asilo e Cooperazione -  Sissa, Parma

“Words of mom” intends to realize a series of activity for mothers from abroad and refugees.
In particular: courses of Italian, Book sharing, Bank of the time and the reuse for sharing their time and  capability to offer and find mutual support and learning.
Children will have many toys at disposal for them and their development.
The project offers an opportunity of literacy rate, intercultural socialization and at the same time offers a space for children who lives in monogenitorial families.
The project will have a 2 year of duration.

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4) “A piccoli passi “,  Ass. di Volontariato omonima – Roccabianca, Parma

The project of the association is set to bring forth a series of interventions of social solidarity for children between the 3 and the 10 years.
In particular: a recreational center of aggregation, a recreational service and educational partner of Baby Parking, a summer center "il giardino dei bambini" and a project cafeteria-after school.
All these initiatives have the aim to support the integration between children from different countries, improving their abilities and help those families with particular difficulties in the management of their children, offering them activities complementary to the scholastic service and for socialization and integration. The project supposes, at least, 12 months of duration. Fondazione Pizzarotti help them through the donation of a minivan.

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5) ”Belli come il sole”, Crocetta Baseball e Softball – Parma

This informal group is composed from parents of children who practice sport in the society Crocetta Baseball & Softball and, thanks to a donation received from the city of Parma and Forum Solidarietà, have started their activities focused to help children who come from disvantaged families to be involved in sport activities.
The Help of Fondazione Pizzarotti is focused to continue this project and for strengthen the relationships between private individuals.
The project supposes 2 years of duration.

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6) “Io sto con te”, Onlus San Crisoforo - Parma

the project “io sto con te” is a project of hospitality and help for fathers and children who suffered the trauma of divorce.
The initiative, thanks to the involvement of real estate owners and devoted associations, proposes to offer a house to whom losing the conjugal roof would be in alternative forced to the road.
“Io Sto con te” is also supported by Welfare Parma, Gruppo Paduan and Casa di Lodesana, and it has the aim to help fathers to find a new independence and, at the same time, to reduce the trauma of divorce in their children.

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7) “Cantiere comunicazione”, Onlus Famiglia Più - Parma

“cantiere comunicazione” is established to create spaces of thought and moments of communication in family.
There will be groups for parents in need, groups  for adolescents about the problems connected to their age, meeting between parents and children for encourage the communication between them.
The project supposes 23 months of duration, from January 2018 to November 2019.

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8) ”Intrecci Solidali”, Ass. Volontariato “Kwa Dunìa” - Parma

Intrecci Solidali wants to encourage the relationships between individuals and allow the exchange of life’s experience.
The project will take place through 3 actions in two years: a) stable educational fields (primary age group) with the aim of bringing children closer to environmental education, and experimenting with global education processes involving families who otherwise would not have the possibility to join. B) Traveling summer camp (one in the summer of 2018 and one in the following year) for secondary school pupils. C) establishment of a permanent laboratory extended from the autumn of 2018 to the spring of 2019, free and aimed at teenagers, with the aim of activating experiences of civic and solidarity citizenship.
The project is aimed at up to 120 children / young people and their families.

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9) “In vacanza alla Fa.Ce “, FA.CE. ONLUS – Alberi di Vigatto, Parma

The project, for the benefit of children affected by brain injury and their families, intends to engage professional chefs, painters and master potters in a supportive activity that promotes the daily well-being and integration of young students with disabilities. In the summer center, activated at the Fa.Ce. in Alberi, aquatic and physiotherapy lessons will be scheduled during the summer months of the 2018/201 biennium, to relieve the difficulties and the summer discomfort of the families that live the experience of children and children with disabilities


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